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Welcome To
The Peter Brown Clinic

Utilizing Nutritional Therapy, Detoxification Protocols, Diet, Supplements, Herbs, Enzymes and Lifestyle Changes to help you overcome Chronic Health Issues.


Author of "Eating For Health not Hunger" and many other free Health Guides.

At THE PETER BROWN CLINIC we aim to provide quality and comprehensive health and wellness services in order to help all of our clients reach an overall state of well-being in both body and mind. We invite you to open your heart and mind to the exciting prospects and possibilities that we have in store for you.

Home: Welcome

Services on Offer

How We Can Help


Iridology, Nutritional Therapy, Herbalist, Detoxification Coaching, Seminars.

Your One Stop Solution to Chronic Health Issues

colon torso.JPG

Colonic Irrigation In Sheffield, Bowel Treatments & Implants

Health Begins In The Gut
If your Gut is Unhealthy
Your Unhealthy - PERIOD

Home: Services

The Road to a Better You

The Peter Brown Clinic was founded in 2008 in Eckington in order to provide comprehensive services that support and foster the health of our customers. We offer a variety of treatments and services to improve and help you regain or maintain your optimal health. Whether you are experiencing pain or simply want to improve your physical and mental fitness, Peter Brown provides the resources to do so in a healing and friendly environment.

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Contact Us

15 Fanshaw Way, Eckington, Sheffield S21 4HX, UK

07949 122518

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